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Geohoney 100% Pure Organic

🐝 About Geohoney 🍯
🐝  Geohoney Company which the only global monofloral honey company. 
🐝Geohoney works in the field of Greentech, Pollination and saving the planet initiatives. 
🐝Geohoney farms and technologies are currently deployed in 44 countries around the world and in the pipeline to cover 5,000 main locations for bees on earth.   
🐝Geohoney produces over than 270 type of monofloral honey and plans to product 800 types in the next few years.  
🐝Geohoney is entirely an innovative ecosystem ventures in charge of bee pollination, vegetation and emissions reduction.  
 🐝Geohoney Support nature activists and beekeepers around the world to save the bees so that bees save the planet.   
🐝Derived from the mystical and ancient Sidr tree, it has been used by people to relieve them from health complications. With its known benefits, the consumption of organic Sidr Honey is on the rise in all pockets of the world. 
🐝Although the commercial usage of Sidr honey is fairly new, our product offers you to have a firsthand experience of this miraculous substance.
🐝 Extracted from the nectar flower of the Sidr Lote tree, it is most commonly found in the tropical and subtropical regions of Pakistan, Morocco, India, Turkey, and Yemen.

🐝The Sidr honey we sell is 100% natural and organic. Being expensive, it is a niche product and we entrust upon ourselves to familiarize the usage of this special and indigenous product. 
🐝Sidr honey is thick like caramel and has a strong sweet/astringent taste. It is the perfect substitute for sugar-based substances.
🖤It is good for skincare.
🖤 It is a aphrodisiac, meaning it improves sexual behavior.
🖤It is a natural medicine to cure infections, stomach pain, ulcers, diseases and digestive issues.
🖤Further studies are being carried out on its role to cure cancer.
⚫ It is known to boost the immune system.

Scientifically known as Ziziphus spina-christi, it provides bees with nectar to process and generate various SIDR honey. Since ancient times, fruit and leaves from these trees have been used in Egyptian food and medicine. In modern research, it has been observed that compounds extracted from the trees' leaves could be used to decrease severe inflammation.
• This product comes in leak-free glass jar of 14 X 5 X 14 CM made from food-grade certified, 100% toxic lead-free, and microwave oven safe material manufactured by Ikea.


• These jars are chemically unreactive and thus do not allow chemical leaching into the honey. These jars come in perfect black box packaging to prevent damage.

Very rare very expensive and very divinely made without a touch of the human being. Cave honey is made of a very rare type of bees that live in abandoned caves in almost complete darkness.

Cave honey made in high low oxygen mountains are the finest type of Himalayan honey. As the bees here feed mainly on the medicinal herbs grown around the cave, cave honey is loaded with potassium, phenols, magnesium, flavonoid and antioxidants.

The benefits of rare honey combine altogether the benefits of hundreds of kinds of honey at once. It should be mentioned that this type of honey is very expensive as the quantities available are very limited internationally.

Honey can be ordered and delivered anywhere in the world, in just 4 working days .

🔎Geohoney Website

🔎  Social Media Platforms 


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