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Arte Bellissimo Romantic/ Exotic

About Orientica
A representation of status and refinement, fragrance has a tendency to gel into your personality and become a part of your image. Every perfume has a story to tell, and we bring you Orientica perfumes to ensure that every one of these stories is a classic tale of magnetism and grandeur.

Our objective is simple: Conceptualising a fusion of superior ingredients enabling us to create a wide plethora of luxury world fragrances, to be embraced by connoisseurs and new enthusiasts alike.

We epitomise the frantic but delightful obsession of being the first to create original, bold, fresh and long lasting assortments of divine fragrances. Orientica breaks new ground with a range of luxury fragrances, and the stunning design & quality of the packaging. No more holding back the pleasure until you unbox; the experience begins as soon as your eyes meet the product. Talk about love at first sight.

There’s a different perfume for every setting & with the rich aromas of Orientica, your memories will be synonymous with each event, long after the moment has passed.

We create endearing fragrances of every genre, aesthetically designed & packaged in such creative, vibrant & attractive hues that every item is a piece of art.

When words aren’t sufficient and efforts seem in vain, taste triumph with the power to persuade armed with the definitive fragrances of Orientica. Don’t take our word for it though; try it for yourself today!

Hey dears, 
I tested 2 perfumes from them, which are part of the Arte Bellissimo collection, Exotic and Romantic to be exact.
I can say that I love the Exotic one more because I am a lover of sweet, very sweet and floral perfumes, but also the Romantic one smells exceptional, it lasts a long time and you will definitely make a statement wherever you go. 

Arte Bellissimo Exotic 75ml

They may not remember what you said or did, but they will remember how you made them feel. Let Arte Bellissimo Exotic and its rich, seductive aroma drenched in vanilla, sandalwood & musk bare your intense passion and veiled charisma to intrepid admirers, while the spunky bergamot hangs around to der use any hesitancy With a first impression so solid, they can't ignore the strange familiarity that breed's a temptation they cannot resist. A hand painted bottle adorned in the whites & golds of luxury and draped in the reds & pinks of love is where it all begins, and leaves their hearts still flutter ing amidst the sillage long after you have left the room.

Fragrance toles Top note: Bergamot
Middle note: Aromatic, Coconut, Vanilla
Base note: Vanilla Sandalwood, Musk

Arte Bellissimo Romantic 75ml

Nothing in the world smells as good as the person you love, and when you reach out to Arte Beilissimo Romantic, you supersize that love further. A symphony of fragrances from peach tree blossoms & grapefruit to musk, vetiver & amber, every element of this enchanting perfume adds an aspect to the rosy romance. Between knowing glances and fleeting kisses, with fingers, entwined and sweet nothin gs brightening up the glowing sunset, this aroma tic fragrance makes your feelings rise up and splash about like the playful waves. Wear it every time with that special someone and arm yourself with a scent that makes memories come alive.

Top note: Bergamot, Peach Tree Blossoms,
Nutmeg, Grapefruit
Middle note: Rose, Pink Peony Violet Blossoms Base note: Musk, Benzoin, Vetiver, Amber


Official Social Media Links:

YouTube Channel:
Orientica Perfumes

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For those who want to buy online, there are also siteul and Notino.


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